The following information is provided incase you encounter an emergency in Washington Township.
- For all emergencies, medical, fire and police, within Washington Township, please DIAL 9-1-1
- For non-emergency medical matters, you may reach the Bally Community Ambulance Association by calling 610-845-2501
- For non-emergency police matters, you may reach the Reading State Police by calling 610-378-4011
- For non-emergency fire matters, you may reach the Eastern Berks Fire Department by calling 610-845-2877
- For Township emergencies, please call Township Roadmaster Brian Mohr at 610-721-0696
- For sewer emergencies, please call 610-310-6724
Red Barn Recycling Center
Thank you for recycling! This valuable practice reduces the need for fossil fuel production, mining of minerals, and harvesting of forest trees. Your recycling efforts help fight the risks associated with climate change.
The Red Barn Recycling Center is located at 126 Barto Road, Barto, PA (Adjacent to Township Municipal Building). The Red Barn Recycling Center operates on a volunteer basis and the Township welcomes all those interested in volunteering! Volunteer Applications may be found here: [Volunteer Application], and can also be picked up at the Township office. The Red Barn Recycling Center accepted items, operation dates and times are always subject to change!
Please review the [2024 Red Barn Recycling Flyer] to learn more about the Red Barn Recycling Center.
Refuse Collection & Disposal
The collection & disposal of residential and commercial refuse within Washington Township is privatized.
Residents can choose any trash collector that services our area. Please use your preferred method to search for local providers.
Public Works
Information and summary of activities undertaken by the Public Works Department
The offices of the Washington Township Public Works Department are located at 128 Barto Road, adjacent to the municipal building, Barto, Pa. Public Works operations, including requests for service, may be contacted at telephone number (610) 845-2753 and fax number (610) 845-8499.
Contact Information
- Hours: M-F: 6:45am – 3:15pm
- Phone Number: 610-845-2753
- Fax Number: 610-845-8499
Public Works Crew
- Brian S. Mohr Roadmaster
- Jacob Long Crew Member
- Thomas C. Milewski, Jr. Crew Member
- Barry Maust Crew Member
Annual Operating Budget
The annual operating budget for the Public Works Department is approximately $567,532.00. Funding for Department activities is obtained from the Township’s General Fund in the amount of $392,032.00 and from the Pennsylvania Liquid Fuels Tax Act of 1956 in the amount of $175,500.00. Liquid Fuels Funds are distributed to municipalities by the Commonwealth according to a formula based upon population and miles of municipal roads.
To provide for the maintenance and construction of public facilities, the development of municipal properties, and related services, Washington Township possesses a full service Public Works Department. This department has as its main responsibility the maintenance of over 32 miles of Township roadway and 14 miles of State roadway.
The following list summarizes the major activities undertaken by the Public Works Department.
- Roadway resurfacing
- Snow plowing and application of anti-skid materials.
- Pothole patching and pavement repair
- Maintenance of bridges
- Traffic line painting and installation of traffic signs
- Grading of roadway berms and shoulder areas.
- Tree trimming and grass cutting along public rights-of-way
- Park maintenance, including athletic fields
- Municipal vehicle and equipment maintenance
- Winter Maintenance Operations with PennDOT
- Dale Road
- Hoffmansville Road
- Forgedale Road
- Niantic Road
- Hill Church Road
- Old Route 100
Participation in the State winter maintenance program allows Washington Township to provide improved response time and a higher level of service to the motoring public during the inclement winter months.
Snow Emergency Regulations
- Crow Hill Road
- County Line Road
- Lenape Road
- Niantic Road
- Limekiln Road
- Hill Church Road
- Hoffmansville Road
- Forgedale Road
- Old Route 100
Winter Maintenance
When winter maintenance is necessary, main routes and state roads are addressed first, residential streets second, and cul-de-sacs third. The application of anti-skid and anti-icing materials throughout the Township takes approximately four (4) hours, depending upon weather conditions. However, snow plowing, over nearly 46 miles of public streets, can easily double the amount of time required for maintenance operations.
The equipment used for winter maintenance includes a large assortment of trucks equipped with snow plows and materials spreaders, pretreatment deicing sprayers, a road grader, and front-end loaders. Recently, the Township completed the addition of a new Salt Shed which is capable of housing approximately 500 tons of roadway salt. The new Salt Shed is located at 120 Barto Road and is now a part of the Public Works Complex.
Additional Information
Currently, the Township is in the process of inventorying all of its traffic control and warning signs that are maintained by the Public Works Department. The Public Works Department is responsible for sign installation and routine maintenance of signs damaged in motor vehicle accidents, vandalized by thoughtless individuals, or faded through over-exposure to the sun and weather.
Washington Township is also responsible for the grass mowing and maintenance of its parks, which include approximately thirty (30) acres of land, the quarterly inspection of all playground equipment to ensure safety for all children using facilities, etc.
In addition to the above activities, the Public Works Department is responsible for the maintenance, repair and refueling of all Township equipment.
Our community requires efficient public facilities and effective public services for both overall quality of life and for the protection of public safety and welfare. The Washington Township Public Works Department works hard to maintain and manage our municipal infrastructure, proving for the needs of our citizens and for future development of our community.
Township Rights-Of-Way
Many years ago, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania enacted a law providing for a minimum width of 33 feet of Township rights-of-way. Most of our roads are 18 to 20 feet in width, allowing 6 1/2 to 7 1/2 feet on each side for the drainage system and signs. Within this area, and limited to this area only, the Township is to provide a public roadway, a stormwater drainage system and road signs.
The Township maintains a storm sewer system that includes hundreds of inlets and outlets, pipes and easements. According to the Second Class Township Code, the Township has the power to open drains and ditches “when necessary to carry the water from the roads.” Once the water crosses the road and leaves the roadside swale or ditch, it is no longer the responsibility of the Township.
Any person who damages or diverts any drain or ditch without the authority of the Township commits a summary offense and is liable for the cost of restoring the drain or ditch. Likewise, anyone who obstructs any public road or commits any nuisance by falling trees, erecting fences or berms, filling in a ditch, turning the road, extending their driveways into the road, and who does not, on notice from the Township immediately take corrective action is committing a summary offense.
No Dumping Please: When It Rains It Drains
Storm Drain Markers have been applied to every storm sewer inlet in your neighborhood, thanks to the help of the Environmental Advisory Council members. The storm drain markers carry the message ” Rain Only , Drains to Creek ” to help raise awareness that stormwater drains serve to carry rain water off streets, parking lots, construction sites, neighborhoods and agricultural lands to its final destination in our creeks, rivers, bays, lakes and oceans.
The dumping of trash, motor oil, grass clippings, grease, pesticide, antifreeze or other such contaminates not only causes pollution to our creeks and rivers, but can also result in clogged storm water lines that lead to street flooding.
Water & Sewer
Municipal Water Service
There are multiple public water suppliers that own and operate public water supply systems within Washington Township. Below is a list of each residential development and their associated public water supplier and contact information.
Aqua America (Owner/Operator)
762 West Lancaster Avenue
Bryn Mawr, PA 19010
Emergency Contact: (610) 792-2112 or (877) 987-2782
Reserve at Bally Spring and Spring Valley Village
Valley Run Water Company (Owner) & Suburban Water Technologies (Operator) 1697 Swamp Pike
Gilbertsville, PA 19525
Emergency Contact: (610) 656-1025 or (302) 855-0919 (billing)
Victoria Village
Bally Borough (Owner/Operator)
425 Chestnut Street
Bally, PA 19503
Emergency Contact: (610) 845-235
Click Here to Download the Washington Township Water Service Information Flyer
Municipal Sewer Service
Washington Township owns and operates a 0.25 mgd sewage treatment plant located on Niantic Road near Route 100, and also owns and operates a collection and conveyance system that serves approximately 1,120 properties in the southeastern portion of the Township, including 48 properties connected to the Borough of Bally sewer system. Sanitary sewer inquiries, including questions regarding quarterly bills, should be directed to customer service at telephone number (610) 845-3697. Please use the following links to download and view additional information regarding the Washington Township Municipal Sewer Service:
Click Here to Download the Washington Township Sewer Service Information Flyer
Click Here to Download the Washington Township Sewer Service Rate 2024 Flyer
Click Here to View Online Payment Options
Any person who fails to receive a bill for quarterly water/sewer rentals and charges shall not be excused for non-payment, and shall not be granted an extension of the period of time during which such bill is payable without penalty because of non-receipt of the bill. Sewer bills are due on the following dates: March 1st, June 30th, September 30th and December 31st. Payments can be mailed to Washington Township, 120 Barto Road, Barto, PA 19504 or hand delivered to the municipal building between the normal business hours of 8:00 am and 4:00 pm, Monday through Friday. For your convenience, there is a black lock box located outside of the municipal building to drop payments if you are unable to pay during normal business hours.
On-Lot Sewage Management Program
Washington Township’s On-lot Sewage Disposal Facilities Ordinance No. 1995-1 requires a sewage management program. This program is mandated by Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP) and requires that residents with on-lot sewage disposal systems have their septic tanks, holding tanks, or cesspools pumped out within a specified time frame. Please use the links below to view additional information regarding the on-lot sewage management program.
Click Here to Download the Washington Township On Lot Sewer Management Program Flyer
Click Here to Download the Washington Township Registered Septic Haulers Flyer
Eastern Berks Fire Department
The Eastern Berks Fire Department was formed on January 1, 2012. This new department will serve all of Washington Township, Bechtelsville Borough, and Bally Borough, as well as portions of Pike Township, District Township, and Douglass Township in Montgomery County. Please click the below link to visit the Eastern Berks Fire Department’s website.
Phone Service
Land line telephone service is provided by Windstream.
To set up a new account with Windstream, please call 1-833-411-1415. For question regarding your account or for service support, please call 1-800-347-1991.
Internet Telephone (VoIP) Service is provided by Xfinity and Windstream.
To set up a new account with Windstream, please call 1-833-411-1415. For question regarding your account or for service support, please call 1-800-347-1991. Online signup is available at http://windstream.com
To check availability and set up a new account with Xfinity, or for customer service call 800-934-6489. Online signup is available at http://xfinity.com
Electric Service
Electric Service is provided by Firstenergy – Met-Ed.
To set up a new account, transfer an account or for any questions you may have, please call the Firstenergy Customer Care Center phone number is 1-888-544-4877. or visit https://www.firstenergycorp.com
Never Go Near a Downed Power Line, Even if You Think it’s No Longer Carrying Electricity!
Call 911 immediately if you see a downed power line. Assume all downed lines are energized and dangerous. Downed power lines can energize the ground and nearby objects. Stay at least 30 feet away from any downed or low-hanging power line and any other object that could be energized. (Note: Please only call 911 if you actually see a downed wire. Do not assume a wire is down if your power is out.)
To report and electric outage, please call 1-888-544-4877 or visit https://firstenergycorp.com
TV & Internet Services
The following television & Internet services are available within Washington Township.
Television Service
Free over-the-air digital television is available within Washington Township. Additional information about antennas and digital television is available at https://fcc.gov.
Cable television service is provided by Xfinity. To check availability and set up a new account, or for customer service call 800-934-6489. Online signup is available at http://www.xfinity.com.
Internet television service is provided by Windstream. To check availability and set up a new account or for customer service call 833-411-1415. Online signup is available at http://windstream.com
Satellite & online streaming television services are available through multiple service providers. Use your preferred search method to research and locate available providers.
Internet Service
Cable internet service is provided by Xfinity. To check availability and set up a new account, or for customer service call 800-934-6489. Online signup is available at http://xfinity.com
Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) and fiber optic internet service is provided by Windstream. To check availability and set up a new account or for customer service call 833-411-1415. Online signup is available at http://windstream.com
Satellite internet service within Washington Township is available through multiple service providers. Use your preferred search method to research and locate available providers.
Postal Service
The Barto Post Office is located in Washington Township, at 2245 Old Route 100, Barto, PA 19504. Additional information is provided below.
Contact Information
- Postmaster: Cody Himes
- Phone Number: 610-845-7544
- Lobby Hours Monday - Friday: 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
- Lobby Hours Saturday: 7:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
- Window Hours Monday - Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
- Windows Hours Saturdays: 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
- Website: https://www.usps.com
Information about the Boyertown Area School District
Washington Township lies within the Boyertown Area School District. The Boyertown Area School District is situated on the northwestern edge of the greater Philadelphia suburban sprawl in southeastern Pennsylvania, about 45 miles northwest of Philadelphia. It is just 20 miles south of Allentown and 20 miles east of Reading. The district encompasses Colebrookdale Township, Douglass Township (Berks), Earl Township, Washington Township and the Boroughs of Bally, Bechtelsville and Boyertown in Berks County PLUS the townships of Douglass Township (Montgomery), New Hanover Township and Upper Frederick Township in Montgomery County.
The population in the district is over 38,000 with abundant room for growth. The population will increase steadily for the immediate future.
Information about the school district, including information about each school, school schedules and calendars, school district policies, school board meeting agendas and minutes, and the school district Report Card can be found at the school district website at: https://www.boyertownasd.org/
Local Library
Boyertown Community Library hours and address
Contact Information
- Phone Number: 610-369-0496
- Fax: 610-369-0542
- Web: http://www.berks.lib.pa.us/sbo/
- Email: boyertowncl@berks.lib.pa.us
- Hours M-W 10:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.
- Hours Th-S 10:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Township residents interested in newspaper subscription/services may call:
Dog Licensing
Local Dog Agent
Contact Information
In Berks County, you also can obtain a dog license by contacting:
A. Dennis Adams, CPA , Berks County Treasurer
633 Court Street, 2nd Floor Services Center, Reading, PA 19601
For additional information, contact the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture /Bureau of Dog Law Enforcement Office at 717-787-3062 or contact at http://www.licenseyourdogpa.com
You may contact Berks County State Dog Warden, Lisa Cronk at 610-909-1173.
This is the person you call if you are having trouble with an unleashed dog that is deer chasing, roaming around the neighborhood unleashed, etc.
Dog Licensing fees are as follows:
- Dogs that are spayed or neutered…..$6.50
- Dogs not spayed or neutered….$8.50
- Dogs that are spayed or neutered…..$4.50
- Dogs not spayed or neutered….$6.50
Animal Rescue League
The Animal Rescue League offers the following services to Washington Twp. residents:
- Pickup services for all stray or injured domestic animals during business hours.
- Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday – 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
- Wednesday – 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
- Saturday – 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
- Sunday – No hours
- Twenty four (24) hour emergency service for injured stray or stray domestic animals, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
- Shelter and board all stray animals for a period of five (5) days.
In dog bite cases, strays will be held for ten (10) days. In cases of owned dogs, the Animal Rescue League will hold them for ten (10) days at the owner’s expense.
Please remember – all dogs must be licensed from three (3) months of age. Dog Licenses run for the calendar year or January 1st of each year. In other words, if you acquire a dog in June, you must get a license at that time (for a six-month period) but when January 1st of the next year rolls around, you must then purchase a new license. Dog licenses go from January 1st of each new year. No exceptions!
Remember – dogs are personal property. The best way to control your dog is with a leash. You are responsible for ANY damage caused by your dog. The responsibility of owning a dog extends not only to proper care and training of your dog, but also to your dog’s behavior.
Phone: 610-373-8830
Place of Worship
Morning Star Fellowship
Address: 100 Limekiln Road Bechtelsville, PA 19505
Phone: 610-369-1960
Christ Lutheran Church
Address: 222 Niantic Road Barto, PA 19504
Phone: 610-845-2583
Shepherd of the Hills Church
Address: 527 Hoffmansville Road Bechtelsville, PA 19505
Phone: 610-754-6446
Hereford Mennonite Church
Address: 2600 Old Route 100 Bally, PA 19503
Phone: 610-845-2429
Calvary United Church of Christ
Address: 1231 Route 100 Barto, PA 19504
Phone: 610-845-2570
Bethany Evangelical Congregational Church
Address: 14 Church Hill Road Barto, PA 19504
Phone: 610-845-2965
Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church
Address: 1749 S. Main Street Bechtelsville, PA 19505
Phone: 610-369-1281
Bally Mennonite Church
Address: 51481 Route 100 Bally, PA 19503
Phone: 610-845-7760
Most Blessed Sacrament Church
Address: 610 Pine Street Bally, PA 19503
Phone: 610-845-2460
Our Lady of Grace Chapel and Padre Pio
Address: Spirituality Centre 111 Barto Road Barto, PA 19504
Phone: 610-845-3000
Stormwater Information
In effort to reduce stormwater pollution, and improve local water quality, Washington Township must develop, implement, and enforce a Stormwater Management Program (SWMP). This task is required by the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit, issued through the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PA DEP) & the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA). The NPDES permit regulates stormwater discharges from the Township’s municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4): a series of inlets, pipes, swales, outfalls, and other drainage facilities that collect, convey, and discharge stormwater directly into our streams.
As part of the NPDES permit requirements, Washington Township must implement best management practices (BMPs) in the six categories listed below and commonly referred to as Minimum Control Measures (MCMs).
MCM 1: Public Education & Outreach
MCM 2: Public Participation & Involvement
MCM 3: Illicit Discharge Detection & Elimination
The United States Environmental Protection Agency defines an illicit discharge as, “any discharge into a storm drain system that is not composed entirely of stormwater.” This means that anything other than simply the water that falls from the sky is an illicit discharge. There are many hazardous household products, yardcare products, fertilizers, dog waste, car soaps and automotive fluids that turn what should only be stormwater into an illicit discharge that pollutes and degrades local water quality. Please be cautious about what washes off of your property and notify the township if you detect any illicit discharge in your area. They are illegal and can degrade our water resources. Please use the following form to report illicit discharges by emailing it to info@washtwpberks.org or mailing it to Washington Township Manager, 120 Barto Road, Barto, PA 19504.
Click Here to Download the Washington Township MS4 Complaint Form
MCM 4: Construction Site Runoff Control
MCM 5: Post Construction Stormwater Management
MCM 6: Pollution Prevention & Good Housekeeping
The following agency links provide additional stormwater information:
- PA Department of Environmental Protection “When It Rains, It Drains” brochure.
- PA Department of Environmental Protection “Stormwater Management” webpage.
- US Environmental Protection Agency’s “Stormwater Program” webpage.
- US Environmental Protection Agency’s publication “Using Smart Growth Techniques as Stormwater Best Management Practices”
- Berks County Planning Commission “Stormwater Manegement Program”
- Berks County Conservation Publication “Stormwater Pollution Prevention”
- Perkiomen Watershed Conservancy “Fall Stormwater Tips”
- Perkiomen Watershed Conservancy “Winter Stormwater Tips”