Board of Supervisors

Information and summary of activities undertaken by the Public Works Department

Washington Township is one of 1,459 townships of the Second Class in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The Second Class Township Code specified that the governing body of a township of the Second Class be made up of three (3) elected Supervisors. The Supervisors are elected from the Township at large to six (6) year terms with one (1) member elected every two (2) years in the odd year to begin serving January 1st of the even year. To qualify to serve as a Township Supervisor, an individual must be a registered voter of and maintain residency within the Township during the term of office.

The Board’s responsibilities are derived from the Second Class Township Code. The Second Class Township Code places the general supervision of the affairs of the Township in the hands of the Board of Supervisors. As such, Supervisors are required to assume many of the roles found in separate branches or levels of state and federal governments. Specifically, Supervisors serve in legislative, executive, and administrative capacities.
Some of the responsibilities of the Supervisors, to name a few are as follows:


The administration of townships and other forms of municipal government has become very complex. As such, most townships delegate some administrative responsibilities to appointed officials or firms. The Second Class Township Code allows the Board of Supervisors to appoint individuals who posses a specific expertise to employed administrative positions. In this regard, Washington Township has appointed a Township Manager, Township Solicitor, Township Engineer, Code Enforcement and Zoning and Building Professionals, although appointment of other specialized professionals is also permitted.

The township code also permits the Board of Supervisors to enlist the capabilities of its citizenry through formation of authorities, boards and commissions. This allows the governing body to draw upon citizens with particular expertise and to directly involve citizens in their government. Some of the more common authorities, boards and commissions operating in Second Class Townships are water and sewer authorities, planning commissions, park and recreations committees, environmental advisory councils, zoning hearing boards, transportation committees, etc.


Local government is becoming more complex every day. Citizens expect effective and efficient services, and federal and state governments are placing more and more responsibilities at the local level. The successful operation of a township requires the time and effort of many people. Washington Township offers several educational and informational services, such as minutes which are provided through this web site to the Board of Supervisors meetings, and the other township committee meetings, the bi-annual newsletter to all residents entitled “The Washington Connection” and of course, this web site.



Duane R. Clemmer

Per the Second Class Township Code, Section 407, should a vacancy occur in the Board of Supervisors by death, resignation, removal from the Township or otherwise, the Board of Supervisors may appoint a successor who is an elector of the Township and has resided in the Township for at least one (1) year prior to their appointment. If the remaining two (2) Supervisors fail to make an appointment within thirty (30) days after the vacancy occurs, the vacancy shall be filled within fifteen (15) additional days by the Vacancy Board. The Vacancy Board shall consist of the two (2) remaining Supervisors and the Vacancy Board appointment (above) who will act as the Chairman.

Certified Public Accountants

Township employs Herbein and Company, Reading, Pa. as Certified Public Accountants
The Township employs a Certified Public Accounting firm who is responsible for annually auditing the books and accounts of the Township to ensure that all the moneys are accounted for and that all financial matters are handles in a responsible manner. The audit is made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards.

Herbein and Company, Inc.

2763 Century Blvd.
Reading, Pa. 19610

Zoning Hearing Board

Membership of Zoning Hearing Board and duties/responsibilities

The Zoning Hearing Board is a quasi-judicial body consisting of three (3) members and three (3) alternates. These individuals are appointed by the Board of Supervisors to interpret the zoning ordinance to assure fair and equitable application and administration, by hearing appeals on the Zoning Officer’s decisions, and by granting relief from the literal interpretation of the Zoning Ordinance, and certain hardships in various situations.

Decisions of the Zoning Hearing Board are final and cannot be overruled by the Board of Supervisors. The Board of Supervisors and the applicant both have the right to appeal the decision of the Zoning Hearing Board to the Berks County Court of Common Pleas. Zoning Hearing Board members are appointed for three (3) year terms. Alternate Zoning Hearing Board members serve when a regular member of the Board if not available for a particular hearing.


Regular Members

Alternate Members

Susan J. Brown, Secretary Non-Member of the Board

Uniform Construction Code Board of Appeals

The Board of Appeals meetings are called as they are needed and are properly advertised.
Members are appointed to three (3) year terms. Alternates are also appointed. There are currently three vacancies on this board.


Alternate Members:

Solicitior For The UCC Board of Appeals

Kozloff Stoudt Attorneys Joan London, Esquire

Contact Information

Planning Commission

The Planning Commission is a seven-member body, which is appointed by the Board of Supervisors to serve in an advisory capacity on all Township planning and zoning matters. All applications for subdivisions and land development in the Township and all ordinances and ordinance amendments affecting zoning or subdivision must be reviewed by the Planning Commission. Members of the Planning Commission serve a staggered four-year term.


Hereford/Washington Township Joint Planning Committee

The Hereford / Washington Township Joint Comprehensive Plan is available here: [Hereford-Washington Joint Comprehensive Plan].

Washington Township Members

Hereford Township Members

Results of the 2017 JPC Community Survey

Berks County Planning Commission Project Leader

Agricultural Advisory Committee

Membership of Agricultural Advisory Committee and duties/responsibilities

The purpose of the Agricultural Advisory Committee is to receive proposals from area farmers for the creation of Agricultural Security areas. This committee will advise the Board of Supervisors and work with the Planning Commission in relation to the establishment, modification, and termination of Ag Security Areas within the Township. This Committee will reconvene if another application is made for an Agricultural Security Area or if changes to the existing Area are proposed. Committee members are appointed by the Board of Supervisors on an annual basis. There are currently two vacancies on this committee.


Parks & Recreation Board

Membership of Parks & Recreation Board and duties/responsibilities

The Parks & Recreation Board is an advisory body to the Board of Supervisors and the Planning Commission in matters regarding development of all park & recreation areas within the Township. The Parks & Recreation Board reviews all applications for subdivision and land development and gives their recommendations to the Planning Commission and the Board of Supervisors regarding open space issues and recreational areas.

The goal of this board is to preserve as much open space as possible, in order to provide appealing parks and recreational areas for the residents of the community. The Parks & Recreation Board is a five-member board appointed by the Board of Supervisors. Members of this Board serve staggered three (3) year terms.  The board meet on the second Tuesday of each month at 6:00pm in the township conference room. The Parks & Recreation Board email address is: parks (at) 


Susan J. Brown, Treasurer (Non-Member)

Environmental Advisory Council

Membership of Environmental Advisory Council and duties/responsibilities

The Environmental Advisory Council continues to do an excellent job of manning the Township’s Red Barn Recycling Center. The Environmental Advisory Council also reviews all subdivisions and land development plans with regard to environmental issues, such as flood plains, wetlands, woodland, etc.

The Environmental Advisory Council is a six-member body, which is appointed by the Board of Supervisors. Members of the Environmental Advisory Council serve staggered three-year terms. There are currently three vacancies for this committee.


Alternate Members:

Volunteer Application

Washington Township has a number of Committees, Commissions and Boards that are staffed by volunteers. At various times there is a need to find new members for these positions. Please consult the following form for more information:

Crime Watch

This application is for those Washington Township residents interested in the promotion of security and crime awareness throughout Washington Township. A copy of the Crime Watch By-laws are attached to the application. 

Washington Twp. Municipal Authority Agendas