As a way to offer you more choices in how you pay your bills, Washington Township now lets you make payments online. We have partnered with Xpress Bill Pay, the premier provider for online payment systems.

All you need is an internet connection through a web browser and an email address. Once you sign up for your free account and start using this service, you’ll wonder how you ever got along without it! It’s simple to use.

We’ll send you a reminder email to let you know when your bill is online. Then, you just log into your account at and view your bill.

You can also see up to one year of history of your account online, so you can compare your current bill to a previous bill.

When you’re ready to pay your bill, select a payment type. You can pay with credit card, debit card, or electronic funds transfer. Enter the information and you’re done! It’s that easy, and only takes you a few minutes each month. Or you can set up your bill on Auto Pay and have it automatically paid for you each month!

We offered this service at the request of our customers — you asked and we delivered! To sign up, please click the below link to visit the Xpress Bill Pay website, click the Online Payments Xpress Bill Pay Button and follow the instructions there. And remember, it’s free to sign up and free to use.